Lars seier christensen blockchain


Concordium’s founder, Lars Seier Christensen, founded Saxo Bank in 1992, while the blockchain’s advisers include former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and heavy hitters from

10,270 likes · 6 talking about this. Seier Capital is a seed and venture capital company, 100 percent owned by Lars Seier Christensen, founder of Saxo Bank. Former Secretary-General of NATO Joins Concordium as Strategic Advisor Anders Fogh Rasmussen, ex-Prime Minister of Denmark, joins blockchain network led by Saxo Bank Co-founder Lars Seier Christensen Dec 20, 2018 · Saxo Bank Founder Lars Christensen Is Waiting for a Cryptocurrency Panic Sell-Off. Danish Saxo Bank founder Lars Seier Christensen made millions trading BTC, but as the CEO of a bank, he had a hard time persuading his staff to offer crypto services.

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Sådan er det ofte når man på en og samme tid er milliardær, investor og medejer af alt fra sportsklubber, restauranter og blockchain startup, politisk aktiv, bosat i Schweiz og vært på eget tv show om iværksætteri selvfølgelig. Privacy-centric, public and permissionless Blockchain, built for businesses. Concordium is a public and permissionless blockchain for business. The science team at the Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus continues Lars Seier Christensen is Chairman of the Swiss non-profit Concordium  Leader in crypto and blockchain news and information. Founder and CEO at Seier Capital & Chairman Of The Board at Concordium. Lars Seier Christensen co-founded Saxo Bank, a pioneer in FX and derivatives  Dec 19, 2018 Danish Saxo Bank founder Lars Seier Christensen made millions trading BTC, Crypto Gamble Pays off as Christensen Gets the Last Laugh. Oct 24, 2019 Concordium is a unique dPoS-based Blockchain, aiming to provide the and the heart of this tremendous project with Lars Seier Christensen,  3 days ago Concordium is Chairman Lars Seier Christensen's brainchild, who founded and backed the organization with a group of business angels and  Feb 19, 2021 Lars Seier Christensen, chairman of the Concordium Foundation, said for businesses, blockchain is still a novel technology, ready to be used  Concordium is a science-based proof-of-stake blockchain created with business With Lars Seier Christensen and Beni Issembert  Dec 22, 2019 Concordium is developing a regulatory-compliant blockchain platform bit about its billionaire founder, Lars Seier Christensen, and the vision.

28. März 2019 Concordium wurde von Lars Seier Christensen gegründet, nachdem dieser die ebenfalls von ihm gegründete dänische Saxo-Bank nach 20 

Lars seier christensen blockchain

Lars Seier Christensen behøver næppe en introduktion til læseren her. De fleste danskere kender ham og har en holdning til ham. Sådan er det ofte når man på en og samme tid er milliardær, investor og medejer af alt fra sportsklubber, restauranter og blockchain startup, politisk aktiv, bosat i Schweiz og vært på eget tv show om iværksætteri selvfølgelig. Our hope is that, in the long term, the research can help both the private sector and the public authorities to use blockchain technology securely and effectively for different types of transactions," says Lars Seier Christensen, chairman of the Concordium Foundation.

Lars seier christensen blockchain

Lars Seier Christensen, Chairman of the Concordium Foundation, said that Aarhus University and the Concordium Blockchain Network have both developed special expertise in blockchain technology and

Lars seier christensen blockchain

Betaling. AF Dorthe Bach 1. FEB. 2019 KL. 06:48 Fakta. Concordium er et blockchain-netværk, som Lars Seier Christensen står bag.

Lars seier christensen blockchain

Seier Capital is a seed and venture capital company, 100 percent owned by Lars Seier Christensen, founder of Saxo Bank.

Leader in crypto and blockchain news and information. CoinDesk speaks to Saxo Bank CEO and co-founder Lars Seier Christensen about his support for bitcoin. Seier Capital is a private investment fund owned 100% by Lars Seier Christensen Concordium’s founder, Lars Seier Christensen, founded Saxo Bank in 1992, while the blockchain’s advisers include former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and heavy hitters from Lars Seier Christensen co-founded Saxo Bank, a pioneer in FX and derivatives trading, in 1992. He served as co-CEO of the bank for more than 20 years before stepping down in 2016 to focus on other investments. During his years at Saxo, the bank grew to 1500 employees, spread across more than 20 locations around the world. Concordium boasts an impressive team lineup bringing expertise from large, multinational corporations and academic research in blockchain and cryptography.

CEO Lone Fønss Schrøder holds board-level positions at IKEA and Volvo, while Concordium’s founder, Lars Seier Christensen, also founded Danish investment bank Saxo in 1992. I efteråret 2018 blev det offentiggjort, at Lars Seier Christensen Christensen har investeret et tre-cifret millionbeløb i et blockchain-netværk af samme navn, Concordium. En kryptovaluta som, modsat de nuværende alternativer, vil sikre at transaktionerne ikke er anonyme. Erhvervsmanden Lars Seier Christensen ser frem mod næste generation blockchain. Direkte handel mellem kunde og leverandør uden brug af mellemled lyder stadig mere fristende i virksomheder. Blockchain giver den teknologiske mulighed, som flere ser nærmere på – men få har noget konkret på bordet. Lars Seier Christensen, Chairman of the Concordium Foundation, said that Aarhus University and the Concordium Blockchain Network have both developed special expertise in blockchain technology and Mar 10, 2021 · Blockchain startup Concordium has completed an oversubscribed round of funding and finalized its minimum viable product (MVP) testnet.

Niklas og Lars har meget til fælles. De er begge danskere, der er bosat i Schweiz på hvert sit slot. De er begge milliardærer, de er begge liberale, og så interesserer de sig for ny teknologi. Ikke mindst den teknologi som Bitcoin er bygget på. Nemlig blockchain. Og Lars Seier har da heller ikke opgivet at investere i blockchain.

Among these was previous co-owner of Saxo Bank, Lars Seier Christensen, who has co-founded the Swiss foundation Concordium Foundation, which is developing a next-generation blockchain network. And he highlighted that although blockchain was born in the financial sector, banks are not among the front-runners when it comes to advancing the potential.

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Niklas og Lars har meget til fælles. De er begge danskere, der er bosat i Schweiz på hvert sit slot. De er begge milliardærer, de er begge liberale, og så interesserer de sig for ny teknologi. Ikke mindst den teknologi som Bitcoin er bygget på. Nemlig blockchain. Og Lars Seier har da heller ikke opgivet at investere i blockchain.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, ex-Prime Minister of Denmark, joins blockchain network led by Saxo Bank Co-founder Lars Seier Christensen. From PR Newswire.

In more languages. Spanish.

Det har jeg savnet, siger han til avisen. Europe Denmark Saxo Bank Lars Seier Christensen News Disclosure The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict Saxo Bank Founder Lars Christensen Is Waiting for a Cryptocurrency Panic Sell-Off. Danish Saxo Bank founder Lars Seier Christensen made millions trading BTC, but as the CEO of a bank, he had a hard time persuading his staff to offer crypto services. Now he’s waiting on the sidelines for another panic sell-off before re-entering crypto trading. Commenting on the matter, Lars Seier Christensen, Chairman of the Concordium Foundation reiterated that: “Aarhus University and the Concordium Blockchain Network have both developed special expertise in blockchain technology and the foundation theory behind it.