Tugarinov mongolica
Mar 14, 2019 · Tugarinovia mongolica. Published online. Accessed Mar. 14 2019. The Plant List 2013. Tugarinovia mongolica in The Plant List Version 1.1. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2019 Mar. 14. Tropicos.org 2019. Tugarinovia mongolica. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published on the internet. Accessed: 2019 Mar. 14. Vernacular names
Career Tugarinoviais a monotypic genus (Tugari- novia mongolicaIljin) with one additional variety (T.mongolicavar.ovatifolia). T.mongolica, which is a member of the China Species Red List, is endemic to †Sharganetta mongolica Zelenkov 2011 †P. longipes (Tugarinov 1940) [Pliocarbo longipes Tugarinov 1940] May 03, 2018 · Retrieved from "https://species.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tugarinovia&oldid=5723480" Tugarinov, A. Ya. 1932. Birds of East Mongolia on the results of the 1928 year expedition in Proc.
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Tugarinovia The Plant List saytında İkiləpəlilər ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin. Roman Tugarinov, 21, from Russia RCD Espanyol B, since 2019 Centre-Back Market value: €200Th. * Oct 20, 1999 in Ulan-Ude, Russia Tugarinovia mongolica var. ovatifolia Y.Ling & Ma, Fl. Tugarinovia (Family Asteraceae) is a monotypic genus.
Tugarinov, A. Ya. 1932. Birds of East Mongolia on the results of the 1928 year expedition in Proc. of Mongolian Commission. Acad. Sci. Publ. House, Leningrad (1): 46 pp. (in Russian) More photos of Flyway Network Sites are available here.
Biodiverstiy of birds and mammals in Elenco tassonomico di uccelli preistorici fossili . I taxa di livello superiore sono presentati in ordine filogenetico probabile o sospetto . I taxa di livello di genere e quelli inferiori sono ordinati cronologicamente, in ordine crescente (cioè prima i taxa più vecchi)..
La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo List of fossil bird genera article en la angla Vikipedio, farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2017-05-20 16:56:53. Eventualaj ŝanĝoj en la angla originalo estos kaptitaj per regulaj retradukoj. Se vi volas enigi tiun artikolon en la originalan Esperanto-Vikipedion, vi povas uzi nian specialan redakt-interfacon.
Efforsch. biol. Ress. MVR 3: 5—31. From her Mongolian expeditions until the last years of her life, Kozlova worked in the Department of Birds of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. In the winter of 1934—35 and in 1937, together with the ornithologist A. Ya. Single year type commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the State Bank Obv: National arms Rev: Value within design Edge Mongoli su etnička grupa koja je nastala u oblasti koja bi danas zauzimala dijelove Mongolije, Rusije i Kine, također poznata kao Unutrašnja Mongolija.Danas ima oko 8,5 miliona Mongola koji govore mongolski jezik Die erste Periode der Erforschung der Avifauna mongolica umfaßt den Zeitraum von 1871 bis 1931. Nach den zentralasiatischen Expeditionen von N. M. PRZEVALSKIJ brachten dieser und danach F. D. PLESKE und W. L. BIANCHI die ersten ornithologischen Beiträge heraus.
Ulsyn Tugarinov, A.Ya. 1932. Mongolia, at 51.3–55.5°N 103.4–110.0°E and 460 m.
Genus {{nav.loginGreeting}} Get data. Occurrences Species Taxonomic list of fossil prehistoric birds. Higher-level taxa are presented in likely or suspected phylogenetic order. Genus-level taxa and lower are sorted chronologically, in ascending order (i.e., older taxa first)..
Kozhevnikov Tugarinov (1880-1948): Avifaunist Zentralsibiriens, Begründer der russischen Paläornithologie und Spezialist für die Anseriformes – Heft 11/12:.. 323-328 Andre’ev, A. V.; Kondrat’ev, A. J.: Neue Daten zur Biologie der Rosenmöwe Tugarinov 1932, Sushkin, 1938, Shagdarsuren 1983). Diet was also studied in Kazakhstan (Watson and Clarke 2000), Slovakia (Chavko 1995) and in Hungary (Bagyura et al 1994) and there is a summary in the review by Baumgart (1991). Biodiverstiy of birds and mammals in Elenco tassonomico di uccelli preistorici fossili . I taxa di livello superiore sono presentati in ordine filogenetico probabile o sospetto . I taxa di livello di genere e quelli inferiori sono ordinati cronologicamente, in ordine crescente (cioè prima i taxa più vecchi)..
M. mongolica: by smaller size, and stronger Paratypes: Tbt sin. prox. NMNHS 155 (Pl. 2 - constriction o f condylys med. o f thochlea carpalis.
Facebook gives people the power Mongolica der Berliner Turfan-Sammlung, ii (Berlin, 1959), pp. 10-11, 14-15.
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Tugarinovia mongolica var. ovatifolia Y.Ling & Ma, Fl.
I taxa di livello di genere e quelli inferiori sono ordinati cronologicamente, in ordine crescente (cioè prima i taxa più vecchi).. I gruppi di livello superiore di non- Neornithes sono organizzati in base alla filogenesi proposta da Luis Chiappe † A. turgaiensis Tugarinov 1940 [Cygnopterus lambrechti Kuročkin 1968] † Sharganetta mongolica Zelenkov 2011 化石鳥類の一覧 現生鳥類 基底(Basal)と未解決の形態(unresolved forms)これらのは、現生群のどれか一群に関連して配置することができない化石であると知られ、固有派生形質的にそれらを分類学上の Plants of Central Asia Plant Collections from China and Mongolia (Editor-in-Chief: V.I. Grubov) Volume 14a Compositae (Anthemideae) N.S. Filatova Arkadi Tugarinov.
Search Plant Name Database. Family. Genus
biol. Ress. MVR 3: 5—31. From her Mongolian expeditions until the last years of her life, Kozlova worked in the Department of Birds of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
Tugarinov 1932, Sushkin Tugarinov considers it certain and Ptushenko as probable that Novaya.